XKCD not-so-secret location

[Certain external references are NOT given as links, because most browsers
are misconfigured to send Referer: lines and guess where you might not want
to leave informational turds in a log-file? Visit the links manually to
see the original contexts.]

In http://xkcd.com/240/ we find this drawing fragment:

Which is located at the crosshairs:

and since the specified date is two weeks from today, 9-Sep-2007, I went there to have a look around.

It's a little playground in West Cambridge, occupying a triangle of land near where Cedar and Dudley streets
cross and just off Mass Ave. This is looking northeastish, along Cedar St and into the park:

My immediate suspicion was that it involves the rods-and-balls structure behind the slide, but I had to make sure.

I wandered around the park with the GPS, which at first didn't move from where I had stopped
the car until I turned "road lock" off and then suddenly it started following me around.
I gradually homed in on the object in question...

The location is indeed in the exact center of the jungle-gym.

Having confirmed this, I finished my wander and took off.

So clearly, one of these


as shown in http://xkcd.com/242/ ...

needs to be constructed and deployed there in advance of the given date and
time, when it seems quite plausible that many fans of the comic may suddenly
show up in this park. I won't be around because I'll be in Pennsylvania
that weekend.

Upon further investigation it turns out that while it was fun to reproduce
the location exercise for myself, this page is virtually useless, because an
extensive thread on it appears to have started about this back in March:
with all kinds of other reference links sprinkled through it including a
livejournal thread and other pop-culture-media sites.  So who knows, it could
be a quiet gathering, a mob scene busted up as "terrorism" by the cops, or
nothing at all.  I haven't gotten very far through the postings, and since
learning that it's gotten the attention of 900+ Facebook subscribers and
similar intertube gadflies, I'm not likely to finish.

_H* 070909