Lighting rants, car rants, teardowns, lessons-learned, info, etc.
A chronicle of my own learning experiences delving into the fields of
lighting and theatre production tech, hybrid and conventional cars, energy
efficiency, and miscellaneous other topics.
Plenty of useful tech reference stuff and geeky info-dumps.
And like any self-respecting Hobbit, I don't wear shoes.
hobbit . at . techno-fandom . dot . org
Lighting rants
-- Many lighting-related meta-pointers, originally to support a couple of
specific projects and seminars as well as being a rathole-farm.
Rather out of date by now; various external links may be dead
lighting/dimmer.html --
linearizing cheapo Torchiere dimmers
[One of the earliest pages here!]
lighting/arisia02.txt --
review of early experience as LD at a local con
lighting/saas02.txt --
South Asian culture show, largish lighting gig at MIT, spring 2002
lighting/isr02.txt --
a song of sprinklers: failed, then rescheduled, Israeli dance gig
lighting/balty02.txt --
review of lessons learned LDing *another* con
lighting/h2k2.txt --
hogging the WholeHog at H2K2, aka the HoPE 2002 hacker con
lighting/neutrik.txt --
a small rant about Neutrik's solderless connector fiasco
lighting/side-cyc.txt --
more in the "lessons learned" department: description/analysis of
lighting a large backdrop from the side, MIT, spring 2003
lighting/as-workshop.txt --
review of the Actorsingers' lighting & sound weekend workshop,
early Aug 2003
a04redux.txt --
tech debrief notes for Arisia 04, reflecting two more years on with
getting more comfortable LDing at conventions, along with design documents
Arisia 06, -- all chronicling
some of our real glory days at the Park Plaza
... a little time passes in between without specific reporting on Arisia,
but with a camera ready at hand starting in about 2008 the "debriefs"
became more serious and in-depth.
For the entire line of pictorial Arisia reports, see these
per-year links:
(year of the Dumpster Fire, the great Elevator Conspiracy,
and a new home),
gone all-virtual in
and although *canceled* in 2022, there was
little creation.
In 2023
something like "normal" returned, for now, and then the
well was poisoned for 2024.
So that's the end of the line, after 30+ years of supporting them.
lighting/splash05.txt --
summary of helping teach and implement a very short-timeframe show
at Splash 2005, a weekend program run by MIT's ESP organization
lighting/ab06.html --
lighting the dances at Anime Boston 2006, and general observations
lighting/static-zing.txt --
showstopping lighting-desk problems stemming from one of those
newfangled plastic-top folding tables ... important lesson here!
lighting/bigsrch.html --
a search form to do unlimited message searches on the LightNetwork
forum [and others] hosted at Delphi/Prospero. Uses cookies, grrrr
*Note: Light Network moved off Prospero and is now at
lighting/yelloband.gif --
Fun with color, aka a little roadie humor
lighting/masq-fx.txt --
Lighting effect "art-fag" descriptions aimed toward costumers participating
in SF/fantasy convention masquerades, or possibly any other sort of
similarly theatrical production
lighting/redneck/ --
Some quick-n-dirty event lighting solutions thrown together with
various types of compact-fluorescent bulbs and cheezy fixtures. With a
little more work, may have some interesting implications for the stage
lighting/arisia11/pony/ --
An example of hand-cutting a gobo out of aluminum pie-plate, showing that
curves and fairly complex details can be done with an ordinary x-acto
knife and come out looking quite good
lighting/dj-dimmer/ --
Discussion of issues and design deficiencies found in small "DJ grade"
dimmer packs, particularly those of offshore origin
lighting/tldeglaze.jpg --
Picture showing results of "de-glazing" the coated type of theatrical
black cotton tie-line: simply soak/swish in warm water, dry, and optionally
"distress" slightly over a table edge or something to knock the rest out.
The glazing stuff is similar to shirt sizing
lighting/s4-lens.jpg --
Source 4 lens tube configurations, from various revisions of ETC's S4
user manual. These are often reassembled wrong by well-meaning people
who go to clean the dust out of them
lighting/s4-refl.jpg --
Bad shot of the difference between old and new Source 4 lamphousing
reflectors; old one on the left is cloudy and loses a lot of light
lighting/s4-evol.txt --
Mailing-list thread about how the Source Four design has evolved over
time, paint and reflector coating qualities, and why the 36-degree lens
tube is often optically crap in practical use
lighting/tiltspall.jpg --
Close shot of the brass-to-steel spalling that happens to ETC tilt-brake
screws, when they start making those horrible skwee-gee-gee-gee-geek
noises when the handle is turned. Eventually they jam up hard enough
to be unusable, but a whisper of anti-seize applied well before they get
to that point will permanently fix the problem. We can't imagine why ETC
never chose more appropriate materials for these fittings and/or applied
lube at the factory even though it's been a common problem for years
lighting/lsc3/ --
Lighting design diagrams for Lonestarcon 3, San Antonio TX, summer 2013
lighting/dmx918/ --
Short pictorial on flipping the DMX receiver polarity on the Martin
918 scanner, which is internally set by jumpers instead of auto-sensing
like more modern units can
lighting/laserspray/ --
Fixing various mechanical problems in cheap laser-projector heads
lighting/rokbox/ --
Teardown/analysis/review of the Blizzard Rokbox 5 RGBAW LED wash unit
lighting/dimmerfull.html --
Investigating the waveform purity of "full-up" dimmer outputs, whether
suitable for powering other devices or not
lighting/4wall-oh23/ --
A visit to 4Wall's new warehouse / shop facility open house, 2023
[The company that absorbed ALPS, our usual go-to rental outfit]
lighting/luxpr/ --
Evaluation of the Luxapel Primo 75 LED module for Par64/Par56 retrofit
with wireless DMX, and how to compensate for its optical properties
Venue info
[Much of which is likely out of date by now, but still here
as perspective on how we sometimes think about spaces we work in]
lighting/kresge-ckt.txt --
Kresge auditorium [MIT] hardwired-dimmers circuit map
lighting/pph-ball.txt --
The horrendous state of the Crestron house-lighting controller at the
Boston Park Plaza hotel, as of '08 or so. It desperately needed to be
[Update: the newer system is a mess too, but at least programmable]
lighting/ccc-gym.png --
Rear gym at Cambridge Community Center, off Howard St in Cambridgeport
lighting/afd_05.xcf --
[Was afd_02e.xcf, still present]
Multi-layer GIMP file showing the Arlington Friends of the Drama space.
Includes layers for "Unnecessary Farce" in early 2018 and "All Night Strut"
in late 2021, and generally usable as a design aid for future shows
Useful lighting control stuff
lighting/m518.lib.txt --
Corrected Martin robo 518 fixture profiles for inclusion in Hog _lib.lib.
Flying Pig got some of the values and modes wrong, and left out "lampoff".
Includes comments on the "real life" values that the fixture understands,
although comments do *vanish* once you load it and re-save your show
lighting/sliders.lib.txt --
Hog fixture profile to produce 27 raw DMX-valued output channels
lighting/extract.lib.txt --
Procedure to extract text-format fixture profiles from HogII _LIB.ROM
lighting/m918.lib.txt --
Improved Martin robo 918 fixture profile, providing somewhat better
indication of "real life" fixture behavior
lighting/PLL2.txt --
Phase-lock macro to fake "tap sync" functionality for Hog desks
lighting/ --
Stupid little shell script to translate between channel % and DMX value[s]
lighting/dmx-signals.txt --
a brief study of RS485 signal degradation when launched from various
sources into different types of cable, and some other observations
[including some advice straight from Doug Fleenor himself!]. For
a more visual follow-on, see ...
lighting/dmxwave/ --
Related page with more DMX signal exploration, with many 'scope shots
showing waveforms seen under assorted network problem scenarios.
Clearly illustrates what "slew rate limiting" means
lighting/LP15xxfix/ --
Upgrading a Leprecon 1500-series board to a GROUNDED power supply, making
it significantly more stable and interference-resistant
lighting/etc-rfu/ --
A quick look inside the typical RFU for ETC Express/Expression boards, and
diagnosis of a rather common cabling problem that plagues these units
lighting/etc-ion.html --
Observations from first personal contact with ETC's newer line of Eos / Ion
control consoles. There are also some follow-on documents and/or
sections of convention writeups, from
2018 and
2019. There was some fun
LED effects play
at Costume Con 37, where what the board was doing was more interesting
than what the lights were doing.
Then the pandemic hit and the industry went dead for a year and a half, and
as people slowly started doing in-person shows again, questions about the
process of
learning these boards
arose on discussion forums
lighting/smartfade.txt --
Experiences planning for and using an ETC Smartfade console on a
typical [?] convention show
lighting/sd50/ --
Review of the Chauvet Stage Designer 50, a small 48-channel conventional
controller, with a helpful supplement to its operation manual
Other theatre tech
sound/clearcom.txt --
a rundown on Clearcom and similar type intercom electrical characteristics,
with pointers to other related resources [was lighting/clearcom.txt]
sound/ics/ --
simple intercom-line splitter that creates a new audio channel on
one output, using a common power supply for both channels
sound/btr200/ --
Fixing various problems on Telex BTR-200 wireless intercom gear, notably
a non-reception problem fixed by a little creative metal bending
flipcoil/howto.html --
description of how to roll cables with no twist, using the flip-coil /
over-under / roadie-wrap / fake-it / zero-wrap method [it has many names]
sound/badcable/ --
diagnostic on-the-ground proof of WHY we always want to coil
our cables correctly and take good care of them
sound/ranefix/ --
fixing one dead channel on a six-channel Rane audio amplifier, on which
the final transistors had shorted to ground through the heatsink pads
sound/srm450open.jpg --
Inside the main enclosure of a version-1 Mackie SRM450, with the loooooong
screwdriver required to get down the very deep wells in the plastic housing
to the fasteners. This one had a cracked woofer magnet
sound/test-wavs.tgz --
Downloadable collection of 1-minute test tones in uncompressed .WAV
format: 25hz, 440hz, 1khz, 10khz, whitenoise stereo/mono. Copy to your
every-day-carry device for a quick-n-dirty audio generator, without
having to install any sketchy apps! 15.6 Mb, expands to about 35 Mb
sound/commfix --
Extensive refurb of an entire Clear-Com style intercom kit, including
new cables and a brief exploration of XLR connector quality
sound/rc300i/ --
Examination of another wireless intercom system, with a hacky add-on for
"wireless talk-around" functionality
National Electrical Code
[NFPA 70] 2001 ROP draft available in PDF format under NFPA70/, u-find-it
power/NEMA_Simplified.png --
A simplified one-page diagram of the most common electrical outlets
used in the US, adapted from Wikipedia "NEMA_connector"
Going virtual
With many events forced to go purely online during the 2020 pandemic,
I eventually got pulled into the "new normal" of people gathering via
videoconferencing from their homes.
This is sort of a timeline: I was still relatively new at this as I started
writing up some of the experiences, but gradually learned more aspects of
the technology and how to most effectively apply it [in a rapidly changing
landscape of same at the time!].
In a couple of years I went from minor helping out where I could, to being
tapped to set up and run pivotal pieces of virtual events, as well as helping
train the many additional volunteers needed.
virtual/nasfic20.html --
A shortish report on the NASFiC that would have been held in Columbus OH,
but had to move purely online via Zoom, Discord, and video streaming
random/gdrive-org.html --
Thoughts on how conventions and other events can better organize their
shared Google Drive storage, after wading through my own years-long
accumulated hodgepodge of "shared with you" links and files from
long-done cons
virtual/capclave-misc.html --
Another short set of observations from helping run a small literary online
con originally based in the DC area, with bits of perspective on simplified
setups for future events
virtual/november.html --
Thoughts and comparisons from working virtual Philcon and Chessiecon
on back-to-back weekends, with some Discord reference materials
virtual/ben.html --
Deguspice's various attendee-viewpoint virtual con reviews over 2020
Arisia 2021
had to go virtual too
[listed under Arisia group above]
and includes a deep Discord dive, and then
Boskone 2021
a month later brought useful comparisons of service integrations
virtual/training/ --
Helpful info for training people to be Zoom hosts in virtual events
The right way to launch an event meeting
in Zoom, without messing around with browsers or the portal.
(video: slideshow + voice-over)
This is to un-confuse volunteer session hosts who still think that logging in
at Zoom's website portal is the right way to start a meeting. It isn't
virtual/discord-gate.txt --
Raising the bar on Discord server access, using simple bot functions
virtual/rc31/ --
More adventures in Discord, used with webhook-driven provisioning as the
main integration layer for the virtual Readercon 31 in 2021.
Also some discoveries about setting up a logical and versatile Discord
permissions matrix, plus details on
Youtube streaming from Zoom
virtual/vimeo-thread.txt --
A long, anguished tale of bad support from Vimeo, the "other" streaming
and video storage service.
While testing what an event organization needed to run their online
component, I ran into subtle problems [as I do] and tried to elicit Vimeo's
support to help. They were basically no help at all, and dragged the
whole sad dysfunctional saga out for more than a month.
"Premium" professional-level service, my ass. Back to Youtube...
virtual/musicsrv.html --
A Place for Music: Details of a Discord server set up for
collaborative music sharing and performance, very similar to how music
groups use Zoom.
With correct settings in the Discord client and attention paid to channel
bandwidth allocations, a setup like this is every bit as suited for the
purpose as a Zoom meeting.
This is a
live server that you can get on and play with, but you
may need to email for per-event entry instructions
virtual/zoom-recur.mp4 --
With a little environment jiggery, it's possible to run two separate
instances of Zoom on a Linux machine.
This is what happens when you screenshare one into the other, and record
the results.
It's actually much easier to get this effect in Discord, which isn't so
picky about what screen items get streamed or not
virtual/balt56-v.txt --
Capture of a long post into a "virtual con-runner" Discord, after helping
with the virtual side of Balticon 56.
Salient points: zoom bombers, and event-logging webhooks [which no longer
work as they did at the time, grrr]
virtual/b60zoom.html --
"If I Ran the Zoo(m)" ... heading up the Virtual side for Boskone 60,
which inched a little closer to "full hybrid" but didn't quite make it
virtual/zoomprep.txt --
HOW to run the Zoo(m): a quick-and-dirty text outline for setting up Zoom
for larger events with multiple online tracks, using meetings or webinars.
Grouping the "runtime" users and propagating the common settings saves a
lot of configuration time
virtual/discord-foth.html --
Investigation of "threads" and "forum" channels on Discord, finding that
they're all basically the same kind of construct
I'm one of those people who uses footwear as little as possible in
all aspects of my life.
I don't need it, don't want it.
As a result, there isn't a thing wrong with my feet or legs, and my
soles are well-conditioned to handle harsh environments.
This extends to technical production, a field whose typical workers
remain shod against routinely overwrought fear of foot injury.
In real-life practice it's far less a concern, and shoes often detract
from one's competency -- certainly from my own.
Tech production is specifically mentioned because it's a big part of
what the techno-fandom collective is about.
As recorded in many of the pages indexed here, I'll totally bust my nuts
on any worthwhile gig where crews do not harbor misguided sixties-era
baggage against working barefoot, and thus refrain from giving me any
crap about it.
Instead, they can observe and learn the benefits.
is a safety issue, but not in the way one would traditionally
think -- I am far more confident and situationally aware when
subjected to the clumsy constraints of footwear, especially at height or
climbing, using all four of my hands to be maximally agile and productive
on the job.
There's a personal advocacy page
where I keep a running chronicle -- sort of a continuing who's-who
of establishment foot-friendliness, along with some fun stories -- in part,
about trying to bring executive leadership at various organizations into
more awareness and acceptance of the barefoot lifestyle if it hasn't been
achieved there already.
There's a minimal "sister site" at
where more general info and a short "best-of" link-farm is maintained
to the most comprehensive sources around the net on this topic.
[It's also an excuse to play around with Amazon's
"S3-as-a-website" facility, which how it's hosted.]
I also help co-manage our local
barefoot hiking group,
and try to pound out some miles in the woods fairly regularly.
Yep, even in winter.
Here are some other hike stories not linked under the bf/ page.
Freedom Trail
'16 /
'17 /
Monadnock again and
again and even
in stranger times,
In 2019 I also started bagging various 4K peaks in the White Mountains,
beginning with
Osceola, and
Franconia loop,
but am probably not going to obsess about trying to knock off
all 48.
Car stuff -- hacks/mods, rants, pix, stories, etc ...
Since my 2004 Prius went out to well-earned pasture in 2021,
the Prius material has MOVED
-->> to HERE
All the same links still apply, they're just not in this index now.
The not-necessarily-Prius car material is still under here.
cars/ev/ --
Electric vehicle exploration, an entirely separate section on its own,
primarily about the Hyundai Kona EV but also general battery-electric
vehicle stuff as well
cars/mpghints.html --
Well-known but seldom followed guidelines for obtaining much higher
fuel/energy economy from most vehicles -- no gimmicks, just technique
cars/freefuel.gif and
cars/freefuel.txt --
A dumbed-down version of the above covering just the very basics. Used
as a handout at Altwheels 2006 and beyond, to encourage smarter driving
cars/tgguide.html --
Visual guide to quantifying tailgating distances/times on the roads and
evaluating the degree of hazard
cars/aaaf_trend.html --
An open letter to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, taking it
to task for failing to discern the ever-increasing self-righteous
entitled attitude of American drivers everywhere. Despite its
chosen DC beltway location, the Foundation remains rather ineffectual
on the political and legislative fronts where clear thought and
action are desperately needed
cars/noid/ --
Simple automotive testing widget to beep and light an LED when given power,
and optionally load down the circuit at the same time. Like a noid light,
but more versatile
cars/can-split.html --
Using a primitive network-splitter to isolate pieces of a CANbus and help
reverse-engineer a little scantool data protocol, using a Scangauge as a
half-ass packet sniffer
cars/valvestem/ --
Article on defective tire valve stems, that began cracking away near
the base after only a year in service. Entirely due to outsourced
crap materials
cars/sotu.html --
Hack-job proposed State of the Union Address segment, endorsing
uniform enforcement of a three-seconds-minimum following distance
to help save lives and sharply reduce automotive property damage
cars/muscle.html --
Vrooom! Random thoughts on the "sexiness" and animal appeal of
traditional muscle-cars versus electric vehicles
cars/yb/ --
The "Yuppie Button": safety-enhanced rear lighting modifications to
aid driver alertness, maintain proper vehicle spacing, and prevent
collisions. Stand up to bullying!
cars/tundtran/ --
Solenoid control wiring problem on a Tundra pickup: quick diagnosis,
gnarly repair
cars/hwiper/ --
Insides of a Honda rear-window wiper motor, and discussion
pix/mp/T_texting.jpg --
What can happen when you text on the move, or *anything* else that distracts
attention away from the essential task at hand. PUT THAT DOWN AND DRIVE
cars/wshf --
Quick fix for a windshield crack caused by a flying rock, using one of
the kits with a vacuum/pressure syringe and sealant glue. Must be done
promptly to avoid further crack expansion
cars/subie.html --
SOLD! 2000 Subaru Legacy L wagon, 58K miles.
Reference remains for historic value and mildly amusing pictures
cars/carhacks-TR-beta.txt --
Preliminary version of a "car hacking" article that Michelle Delio was
working on for the MIT Technology Review, forwarded for editing/approval
cars/carhacks-TR-final.txt --
Final release version of MIT Technology Review "car hacking" article,
which despite what was thought to be a final editing pass came out
rather mangled away from the supposed original. Compare and contrast!
[All the articles by Delio have since been pulled over the HP / Carly
Fiorina imbroglio, and a stupid, busy-work "investigation" was launched]
cars/sub-hack-1.txt --
Design and motivation of a "throttle position sensor bias" control
to smooth out off-the-peg engine response
cars/sub-leak-2.txt --
Sad-but-funny saga of getting the runaround at a local dealer over a
simple radiator leak
cars/pooper-give.txt --
Plea to the local net/social community to let the Pooper enjoy
a dignified retirement [which eventually did happen, yay]
Legacy video stuff
video/umatic/ --
Resuscitation of an unusably dirty U-matic video deck
video/spg-422-eco.jpg --
Got a Tektronix SPG-class sync generator with a flakey power supply
that won't reliably start up? Here's a fix for it [shown in red]
Total miscellany
subnets.txt --
One-page quickie chart of subnet bit boundaries and allocation strategy
that allows sensible room for expansion, based on RFC1219
laser/ --
A blast from my distant past: recovered documents and discussion around my
hobbyist laser show years. Kept me off the streets in the eighties
random/nc110.tgz --
Original "netcat" source distribution tarball from 1996, aka really
old laurels and embedded mini-rants about the Berkeley sockets API
pix/charlie/ --
A close physical look inside the MBTA's Charlie Card
pix/whr/ --
Installation of a Rheem "Marathon" water heater, with supporting details
on tank construction, minor plumbing triumphs and letdowns, and ways to
take the pressure off
random/4d.html --
A classic mistake: trying to go production using immature beta products
just because they're "new and cool", and landing in a support nightmare
random/nuvi.html --
A review of the Garmin "Nuvi" GPS family compared to older types, and why
Garmin has fallen OFF my list of competent product builders
pix/nwp09/ --
Photo collections from inside some of the "Gilded Age" Victorian-era
mansions in Newport RI
pix/mbfix/ --
Quick fix for the bad sharp-edged ergonomics of a unibody Macbook
power/dumbups/ --
Diagnosis and [redneck] repair of an APC SmartUPS, with thoughts on how
the problem cause may have been a long-standing design fault -- which
later turned out to be
completely correct!
random/taho1.html --
Early-ownership review of a new mobile phone, slightly less dumb than what
it replaces but not anywhere near the level of modern "smart" devices
hse/5686.html --
Gateway file to an extensive writeup on my house renovation that turned
into a deep energy retrofit, with detailed pictures and text on
construction, building science, HVAC, air-sealing, and some funny
contractor moments. A book-length treatise in 27 parts --
days of reading.
Requires minor human intervention to find the actual pages themselves,
or just web-search for "energy retrofit" and "hobbit"
power/badgfi/ --
Partial teardown of a Leviton GFCI outlet that went bad one night
pix/deadg9/ --
Autopsy of a Canon Powershot G9 that bricked itself, due to a known
problem where two screws come loose and rattle around inside and
eventually short out the main power supply
pix/mp/watermain/ --
Pictures and story of local water main work, adding a tee connection for
a line into a new subdivision
pix/mp/roadwork/ --
Upgrade of a local street from dirt/gravel to paved, including massive
new drainage infrastructure installed underneath. In six parts
pix/ice15/ --
Ice dams and related thermal fun from 2015's "wikkid cold" winter in
New England with lots of snow, one stormy smackeroo after another
pix/glospin/ --
Adapting glowing LED poi balls to a flow-arts staff, for spinning with
enhanced persistence-of-vision play, and taking it all up another
technical level in
Chapter 3
of the story
random/mybank-js.txt --
Detailed description of exactly how Fiserv screwed over various online
bill-pay service subscribers when they cut over to a redesigned website.
Stupid javascript coding errors on their part
random/cyber_wall.txt --
Thoughts on how stringent limitation of cross-border internet connectivity
could help provide significant mitigation of today's most common "cyber"
video/sneetches.mp4 --
Possibly the most heartbreaking commentary applicable to the political
environment of 2016 [aka the rise of Lord Voldemort]
pix/misc/12xtalpit.jpg --
The reason a USB thumbdrive stopped working: tacking the loose crystal
lead down better brought it right back to life. A lesson in how
shoddily-built offshore electronics fail
pix/dcr_hp/ --
High-resolution scans of some old maps and park plans around Harold Parker
State Forest and surrounding Andover. This was a project for the
Friends of Harold Parker resources page
random/cat_s41.html --
Various review text about owning a smartphone, signaling my [partial]
assimilation into the Borg hive-mind
power/gz.html --
Technical inquiry into Goal Zero power-source products in the "Yeti" line,
and the resulting email conversation with their support department
random/wikitls.html --
An attempt to get Wikipedia and related sites to NOT insist on encrypted
transport for open public-domain content, after they screwed up their
accessibility by insisting on TLS 1.2 level connections and rejecting
all others from "outdated" clients
random/ff-no-phone.txt --
A quick helper to zero out most of the "phone home" web destinations in
Firefox releases, preventing probes back to for updates,
extensions, search plugins, and other obnoxious telemetry we don't need
pix/f1fix/ --
Fixing a hyper-sensitive F1 key on a new laptop, with a tiny paper shim.
Also commentary on NVMe storage, a RANT about Ubuntu release architecture,
and some laptop-innards porn
random/wordle.txt --
Do NOT view this if you like solving the daily
(dead link)
Complete pregenerated solution to
original code, in "cal" format, but
with a 10 or more day skew since NYT lobotomized the answer mechanism.
Now it's just a simple web query for each day's solution
random/theflag.html --
A contemporary answer to the
indoctrination platitudes we all
get subjected to from an early age, and are often coerced to recite on
The original means nothing these days; we haven't earned that privilege
since about 1942.
And it never should have involved
religion in the first place
random/220925-fid.txt --
Another financial-institution rant, about Fidelity Investments and their
piss-poor handling of the process of getting online and establishing email,
co-trustee and other relationships. Originally on Reddit, then
censored by Fidelity's social-media whitewashing nazis.
At least a few people managed to read it and comment over the weekend
before it got trashed
random/xmas22/ --
A Christmas morning rant-let about how "e-card" and other supposedly
lighthearted websites sneakily try to track the living crap out of you
power/upsghost/ --
Haunted UPS: tracking a phantom power-on problem in a big old APC
pix/ecl24/ --
Total eclipse trip 2024: 3 days in Northern Vermont
pix/misc/2401/dros/ --
Studying the fruit-fly lifecycle at home
The old geeky wallpaper page
has been split out to a separate index. Most picture links are unchanged,
and new ones periodically get added
Nobody needs this corporate crap.
Do yourself a huge favor:
and get the fuck off Twitter/X/whatever any way you can NOW.
You can "follow" me right here, where I control my own content.
Assuming, of course, that the hosting provider's infrastructure doesn't
get compromised. These days, that's a bit of a crapshoot.
Image disclaimer: Requests for "original" or non-watermarked material
are denied by policy, no exceptions. Sorry.
3rd party statement: This site is not a public blog, it does not accept
"guest posts" or the like.
If that's all you're after, piss off,
find some other victim.
If you spam us about it, we *will* hunt you down and have your provider
permanently BAN you from their facilities.
I normally read mail at, should you wish to get in touch,
but if that doesn't work
I'm reachable here at too. Use the obvious mapping to
determine either email address,
and please do feel free to contact me about any of the material here!
Can't find something you thought might be here? You're not looking
closely enough.
_H* 240916